LARA CROFT GO - CSP MEDIA STUDIES Language 1) Who is Lara Croft and when did she first appear in a videogame? Lara croft is the first female character to be played as the protagonist , she first appeared in 1996 in Eidos Playstation. 2) What classic films influenced the creation of Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider games? The classical film influenced the creation of Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider game was "Indiana Jones movies" . 3) How has Lara Croft and Tomb Raider moved beyond just being a videogame? The games are now evolved into movies starring major actors such as Angelina Joline playing the part of Lara croft as well the rise of merchandises , comic books spinoffs of Lara Croft and Tomb Raider. 4) What devices can you play Lara Croft Go on? Lara Croft can be played on consoles and on mobile devices. 5) What type of game is Lara Croft Go? Lara Croft Go exhibits major fights between lara and her enemies through the ancient remains of the civilization the amazon...